personal notes
Week 1 Notes
python: /compsci/images/APCSP.png for images add post of notes in class do hacks for extra credit (post to issues and etc) for 3.0 add things to python notebook make website look good add index (at top like in APCSP website)
aug 23 function needs perameter such as (prompt) when def is the function when there is a plus sign between two strings it is called concatenation import statement is developed by others that we are calling (library, function)- can look them up python library math for example to import math so it does it for you (no coding) def question_with_response is a function (def defined as question w response) if or else can define if something is correct or incorrect if needed if commands need else commands examples on hello python
insert images into correct images folder in order for them to populate on website use md (markdown) at end in order for wider variety of available functions on posts index.html to make index at top
do little quiz in the hello python notebook (ab the vocab and stuff) and post to jupiter notebook as part of assignment
class repo has been updated- in order to get things you need click pull from vscode APCSP- two extra files (DONE)
reference bash tutorial (pulled extra files from pull function in source control) and take notes on new functions/bash install/capabilities and POST the notebook to MY BLOG (jupyter notebook, pull file to my own repo and post)
additional: figure out titling jupyter notebooks and images, finish modifying blog for personal use (this tri and next tri of comp sci specifically), hacks extra credit (one on both assignments in canvas (week 0 and week 1) and 1 in the bash tutorial section)
make a new file in notebooks for bash and change the terminal to bash
task list: hello python notebook little quiz (show proof of changes so dont just copy directly)(3-5 questions)- done post bash notebook with proof of capabilities change blog site to be more like blog hacks: post to issues (1), customize to be more useful as an actual blog including index and general layout (2), use vocab in quiz, calculate percentage, reference locations in markdown that support vocab (add with #s things in markdown that help with vocab learning), # markdown comments on quiz to help with understanding, run python file directly (from python directory run in vscode and post) see additional:
week 2 notes (tuesday, lists/dictionaries/iteration)
type means what kind of data- strings, number, integers, floats, list, dictionaries (last two are something that holds it) lists and dictionary section code- key and value for first output- name is the key (key is name, value is john doe), type (str=string) key values: age is key and value is 18 and type is integer quotation marks makes it a string, number is integer key is score, value is 90.0 (floating point and not an integer, so float not int) something is a list if it has multiple datas and is held in square brackets last one is dictionary because it defines somethings key and value- curly brackets can add bash to language piece (edit code)- add bash in quotation marks (inside brackets with other languages), length of list changes (len checks length of list) langs 0 means output python (0 is first item), if you wanted to print java put two where it says print langs- when index two, looking at second thing in list. when 3, looking at third thing, etc list is type of array, array more used in java but same idea dictionary is key and value create databse of your info (DONE! ADDED UNDER JOHN AND SUNNY, SECTION TWO OF NOTEBOOK) instead of index, dictionary looks for key, so if you want to get key value use square brackets to find what the value is in that dictionary for loop means itll run every time theres something in the dictionary until everything shows up d_rec is location in the dictionary rec is like an index, itll go until it finds all the records goes through each database for first thing to find and loops until everything is done other iteration types: while loops- while number is less than length itll check for whatever is left, same idea for recursive loop (value less than length to find things), hacks at bottom
august 30 week 2
html fragments
-background creation of html in whatever markdown we are doing -defining pieces of html tags like meta title etc lots of alligator brackets slash to end script reason markdown changes to html is because of jekyll (converts when posted) can use for tables (table to table with alligator bracket and slash) can use supported themes in github and replace it in config yaml (change it back after to avoid issues)(hacks) in nav frontend there is an example of a table