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Unit 2… Binary/Data Terms

Bits- smallest unit of data that a computer can process and store Bytes- a unit of data that is eight binary digits long

Hexadecimal - base/positional number system

Nibbles- four consecutive binary digits/ half of an 8 byte (aka a half-byte)

Binary Numbers:

Unsigned Integer: dont have a + or - associated with them

# Signed Integer: pos or neg # # Floating Point: pos or neg whole number with a decimal point

Binary Data Abstractions:

Boolean: logical data type that can only have true or false values

ASCII : american standard code for information interchange- standard data coding format for electronic communication between computers

Unicode: universal character representation of standard for text in computer processing

RGB: system for representing colors used on a computer display

Data Compression:

Lossy, Lossless (note discussed yet)

Unit 3… Algorithm/Programming Terms

Variables : abstract storing location paired with a symbolic name

Data Types: set of possible values and a set of allowed operations

Assignment Operators: operator used to assign a new value to a variable, property, event, indexer element

Managing Complexity with Variables:

Lists: sequence of several variables grouped together under a single name

2D Lists: collection of data cells, all of same type, can be given single name- but a 2d one is organized as a matrix with a number of rows and columns

Dictionaries: abstract data type that defines an unordered collection of data as a set of key-value pairs

Class: blueprint/ definition of an object

Algorithms: a list set of instructions, used to solve problems or perform tasks

Sequence: first programming construct executed one after another

Selection: programming construct where a section of code is run only if a condition is met

Iteration: function that repeats a block of code in a specified order, often until a specific result occurs

Expressions: particular concept in which a number of variables or constants and operators and functions are put together in a single statement that is acted out

Comparison Operators: usd to compare the values within an expression

Booleans Expressions and Selection: true or false, compare data of any type as long as types are the same and see if greater than, less than, or equal to other data

Booleans Expressions and Iteration: and or and not

Truth Tables: way of summarizing and checking the logic of a circuit

Characters: display unit of information equivalent to one alphabetic letter or symbol

Strings: a sequence of characters (literal constant or some kind of variable)

Length: number of words/letters in a sequence, string, etc

Concatenation: joining two strings together

Upper: upper bounds of an operation

Lower: lower bounds of an operation

Traversing Strings: accessing all the elements of the string one after the other by using the subscript

Python If: used to eecute the true part and false part of a given condition

# Elif: else if: give two options (for conditional if statement) # Else conditionals: else to specify a block of code to be executed # Nested Selection Statements: used when more than one decision must be made before carrying out a task- one program block is placed inside other program block of the same operation type

Python For: control flow statement used to repeatedly execute a group of statements as long as the condition is satisfied

# While loops with Range: loop that iterates through the code specified in its body # with List: iterates through just a list specified

Procedural Abstraction: when we write code sections which are generalised by having variable parameters

Python Def procedures: procedures allow us to group a block of code under a name known as a procedure name

# Parameters: special kind of variable used in a function to refer to one of the pieces of data provided as input to the function # Return Values: value that a function returns to the claling script or function when it completes its task